• Seki Sanjūrō II (関三十郎) as the monkey trainer Sarumawashi Yojirō (猿廻し与二郎) - right-hand panel of a diptych
Seki Sanjūrō II (関三十郎) as the monkey trainer Sarumawashi Yojirō (猿廻し与二郎) - right-hand panel of a diptych
Seki Sanjūrō II (関三十郎) as the monkey trainer Sarumawashi Yojirō (猿廻し与二郎) - right-hand panel of a diptych

Utagawa Kunisada (歌川国貞) / Toyokuni III (三代豊国) (artist 1786 – 01/12/1865)

Seki Sanjūrō II (関三十郎) as the monkey trainer Sarumawashi Yojirō (猿廻し与二郎) - right-hand panel of a diptych


10 in x 14.75 in (Overall dimensions) Japanese woodblock prints
Signed: Gototei Kunisada ga 五渡亭国貞画
Publisher: Daikokuya (Marks U032 - seal 02-051)
Censor's seal: kiwame
Waseda (right sheet)
Waseda (left sheet)
National Diet Library (go to number 42)
Japan Search - National College of Music Library This is the right-hand sheet of a diptych. Here Sanjūrō II is playing opposite Ichimura Uzaemon XII (十二代目市村羽左衛門) as Denbei (伝兵衛) and Bandō Tamasaburō I (初代坂東玉三郎) as Oshun (おしゆん).
Daikokuya (大黒屋) (publisher)
actor prints (yakusha-e - 役者絵) (genre)
Seki Sanjūrō II (二代目関三十郎: 11/1807-2/1839) (actor)
Yojirō (与次郎) the monkey trainer (role)