Ichikawa Omezō I as Yanone Gorō [矢の根五郎] in the lower right - the Weaver Maiden and the Ox Herder are in the  circle in the upper left

Utagawa Toyokuni I (初代歌川豊国) (artist 1769 – 02/24/1825)

Ichikawa Omezō I as Yanone Gorō [矢の根五郎] in the lower right - the Weaver Maiden and the Ox Herder are in the circle in the upper left


9.5 in x 14 in (Overall dimensions) Japanese woodblock print

Signed: Toyokuni ga (豊国画)
Publisher: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Marks 391 - seal 01-008)
Censor's seal: kiwame
Date seal: 5/1807
Waseda University
Katsushika City Museum
Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts - possible source print for Yanone image in the lower right, but with some differences

Ichikawa Omezō I played Yanone Gorō at the Ichimura Theater in 05/1807. The framed image of him in the lower right of the print is presented like a votive panel dedicated at a Shintō shrine.
actor prints (yakusha-e - 役者絵) (genre)
Ichikawa Omezō I (初代市川男女蔵: from 11/1789 to 6/1824) (actor)
Nishimuraya Yohachi (西村屋与八) (publisher)
mitate-e (見立て絵) (genre)