Onoe Kikugorō III (三代目尾上菊五郎: 11/1815-3/1848) (actor 1784 – 1849)

Baiju (poetry name - 梅寿)
Baikō (poetry name - 梅幸)
Gachō (poetry name - 賀朝)
Sanchō (poetry name - 三朝)
Onoe Baikō III (三代目尾上梅幸: 11/1814-11/1815)
Onoe Eizaburō I (初代尾上栄三郎: 11/1788-11/1809)
Ōkawa Hashizō I (初代大川橋蔵: 4/1848-9/1849)
Onoe Matsusuke II (二代目尾上松助: 11/1809-11/1814)


Kabuki theater terms


This actor held this name from 11/1815 to 3/1848. He was adopted by Onoe Shōroku I (1744-1815) who is represented in the Lyon Collection by one of Kunisada's earliest prints. His father-in-law was Ogino Izaburō II (1750-1829). Kikugorō III's sons were Onoe Matsusuke III (1805-51), Onoe Eizaburō IV (dates unknown) and Onoe Kikunosuke. His son-in-laws were Onoe Kikugorō IV (1808-60) and Ichimura Uzaemon XII (1812-51). Onoe Kikugorō V (1844-1903) was a grandson.


Ōgawa Hashizō I was one of the first and most amazing kaneru yakusha in Kabuki history.

"He is perhaps best remembered for the frisson of his appearances with his rival Danjûrô VII, and for his alliance with the playwright Tsuruya Nanboku IV, who in 1825 wrote for him the role of Oiwa in "Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan", the best known of Kabuki ghost plays. Besides playing vengeful ghosts, Kikugorō's specialties included adolescent males (wakashugata) and older wise men (jitsugotoshi), but his range also extended to villains (katakiyaku) and female roles (onnagata). He was acclaimed as an all-round actor, or 'man of a thousand faces' (kaneru yakusha), and his ability for the miraculously quick changes (hayagawari) so popular in the Bunka-Bunsei eras (1804-30), allowed him to play seven to nine roles in one play."

Quoted from the the Fitzwilliam Museum website.

"All too conscious of his own good looks, he was apparently narcissistic and difficult." (Ibid.)


Kikugorō III was the adopted son of Onoe Shōroku I. There are more than 25 prints in the Lyon Collection representing Kikugorō III while there is only one devoted to Shōroku I.
