Suda no Haru Geisha Katagi (隅田春妓女容性) (kabuki )


Kabuki21 - for a full summary of this play


"The drama "Suda no Haru Geisha Katagi" was premiered in the 1st lunar month of 1796 at the Kiriza... The hero of this drama, the otokodate Ume no Yoshibē, was based on a real person of the Genroku era, Umeshibu no Kichibei, who murdered in 1689 in Ōsaka a decchi named Chōkichi to steal his money. The star Sawamura Sōjūrō I was the first actor to portray Ume no Yoshibē on stage. The role was brought to Edo from Ōsaka by the Kamigata playwright Namiki Gohei I, who turned it into an Edo otokodate and wrote "Suda no Haru Geisha Katagi" for Sawamura Sōjūrō III."

This quote is taken directly from Kabuki21.